Welp, here we are.

It’s been 8 years since I’ve posted here. I am significantly fatter than ever, a wider teapot if you will. The pandemic can do that to you, so can hip pain. HOWEVER the food is still delicious and I care much less about calorie counting than I once did.

Since my last post I’ve also, moved to Alabama for several years researching blood clotting diseases, moved to Washington, DC and worked on Capitol Hill, and I’m now in the first job I’ve had since I worked at Starbucks in undergrad that there is no built-in end date.

I’m still happily married. My beloved Dominic passed away a few years ago. To fill the silence of the house we got Finley, who is a wonderful goon.

I make no promises, but if anyone is still out there, I may start posting recipes again. I’ve become a much better cook as the years have gone by. I’m not 100% vegan anymore. There are eggs and fish from time to time, but that’s it. I will make sure if I post anything not 100% vegan it’s incredibly clear.

Next week I will take my first tap class. It’s because I want to, not because I think it’ll help me lose weight. Updates to follow.
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